Dollar Store Sticker Sign

Easy and inexpensive project.
What you need:

1. dollar store sticker
2. a piece of wood
3. stain
4. some kind of ruler or level

dollar store sticker- all the letters are separate- important to make this work

My piece of wood, purchased at home depot for $5.99. Very light weight and long enough I cut it and can use it for two different projects

Just peel and stick the letters on the wood- I am not very patient and did not take time to measure and line these up - I just eyed it. Probably would recommend doing some kind of measuring so they are even.

I had to redo them several times because they were not level at all- luckily the stickers are very forgiving and stayed sticky. 

After you get everything placed where you like it just stain right over- I was a little worried that the stain would bleed under the stickers- but it worked just fine. 

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